Pay What You Wish Project

I was struggling with

Art is Beauty/Art as Business

when I was putting the show #WomanGardenPhysics2023 together...

  • How do I price this?

I need to make some money to continue to buy supplies; it would be lovely to be able to take some classes from the super-talented local artists and offerings in our area and as some supplementary income.

  • But don't "only rich people" buy art? 

Ever read the book Ways of Seeing by John Berger?

He shows graphs of people who go to art galleries, enjoy art, buy original art... And more often than not it's weighted toward more education/higher income.

And yet beauty is something enjoyed by all, no?

Sure, knowing more about something definitely helps you to appreciate it and understand it better. And having "disposable" income means you don't have to weigh whether you can afford this artwork OR food, OR rent, OR gas to get to work.

And yet I firmly believe everybody deserves to have beautiful things in their life, regardless of their education or income. 

So how to price accordingly?

Some people can afford gallery pricing (often double what the artist is asking, the gallery often makes a 100% markup on the artist's pieces).

Others may only be able to afford a payment plan of $10 a month for the next 10 months to purchase a $100 painting. (That’s how I bought a painting for Josh from the wonderful Claire Crawford.)

Then I came across @victoria_vanderlaan during our last Art and Tea @thrivetogethernetwork

She's done 70 weeks of Art sales so far using a pay what you can approach. (I used 'pay what you wish' because, of course: "feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable" seemed to suit better. Art&striving=✋in✋)  

And I thought how splendid!

That way everybody gets a chance to enjoy a handmade, original, beautiful piece in their home and they are not gutted by the price because they can say what they can afford.

It seems like everybody does a Pay as You Wish Project differently. 

This will be my first effort and I’m sure I’ll learn how to improve along the way, so please bear with me as we figure out the best way to get art out there to as many people as possible.

Here’s the plan as I’ve figured it, so far.

1.$25 flat rate shipping in Canada

2. There will be 4 pieces presented each Monday for you to peruse.

3. Once you have decided your favorite, or favorites, you DM me the price and payment plan that works for you. 

An outright sum, or a certain amount each week/month is fine, whatever you are comfortable with.

Example 1: Hey Beth, I’m in love with number one. The amount I can afford is $XXX.xx outright. I’ll Etransfer you if I win, and send you my mailing address.

Example 2: Hey Beth, I would like to purchase #3. I can afford $XX.xx per month until I pay for it. If I win I’ll start the Etransfers this month and then when it's paid in full I’ll give you my mailing address so you can mail it to me. 

4. On Friday I do a random draw for each of the pieces and the winner gets the piece for their price and plan. 

5. You contact me with payment plans and when settled, I mail you your lovely new piece of Original Art. 

So let’s start with our first four pieces. 

To see the continuing project check out

the Portfolio Page here.


Contemporary Counterpoint

