Spring blooms on South Georgian Bay

With this crazy weather, wind and freezing cold in the forecast, I needed something to look forward to.

There’s also a group show coming up in March at the BMFA so I wanted to have something spring and situated here.

Considering doing a collection of sketches looking forward to the native wildflowers that will be in bloom this spring on the shores of South Georgian Bay. 

Naturally that turned into a flurry of research to suss out what flowers preferred wetter environments and who bloomed in the spring months. 

This is my, by no means complete, list. 

Large-leaf Avens 

(Geum macrophyllum)

Goldthread, Canker-root, Yellow Snakeroot

Canada Anemone, Canada Windflower, Meadow Windflower

Yellow Clintonia, Bluebead Lily

Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal

Harlequin Blue Flag, Northern Blue Flag

Canada Germander, Wood Sage

Balsam Groundsel, Balsam Ragwort

Mucronate Blue-eyed-grass, Eastern Blue-eyed-grass, Slender Blue-eyed-grass

Common Marsh Bedstraw

So many beautiful blooms to look forward to.

Also I want to try to see each one of these in bloom this spring… Which is coming … Eventually.




Failure and Success