Velvet Red, Yagodka and Yellow Furry
Velvet Red cherry tomtoes have been added to the list of all time Potager favourites.

First Garlic Harvest
Bottling the homemade herbal wines, garlic harvest, parasitoid pest protection, a new book

Enough Herbs to Dry
Black Hungarian peppers, basil x5, The 3 Garden Designs and watercolours.

Introducing Crofting Garden Designs
Whats growing in the Potager and a new project - Crofting: Garden Designs.

Peas, Onions and Conifers
What’s ready in the Potager and a new project - The Botanicus Janvrin

Spring Flowers and Garden Tour
What’s blooming, first harvests, native seedlings and the rest of the potager.

Crabapple Blossoms and Chicks
Bush beans and beets are planted, tomatoes and peppers hardened off, cutting garden planted and chicks!

Sunflowers 2021
Russian Mammoth, Black Oil and Hopi Black Dye sunflower information for you zone 5, Ontario garden.

Bush Beans 2021
Dragon Tongue bush beans and Broad beans info for zone 5 Ontario vegetable gardens.

End of April Seedlings, Ontario
Phenology for the last of the cool weather flower plantings. Looking forward to May.

2021 Greens Continued
Info on Giant Noble Spinach, Rainbow Chard and Daikon Radish for your zone 5, Ontario vegetable garden.

Mustard Greens, Orach and Kohlrabi
This-and-that week. First up - Greens.
Red Giant Mustard Greens, Triple Purple Orach and Early White Kohlrabi

2021 Tomato Patch Continued
Info for Indigo Rose Cherry, Paul Robeson and Pruden’s Purple Beefseak tomatoes. As well as Yagodka and Steakhouse Cherry tomaotes that I haven’t planted yet.

Early Spring Garden, Ontario
Cold frames and returning herbs in the potager along with what seeds have sprouted and what’s next up for planting.

2021 Pepper Lineup Continued
The next 4 peppers for this year’s Potager: Lemon Drop, Amish Pimento Sweet, Spanish Padron Tapas and Red Manzano.